Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hate that I didn't realize Tony Bennett was in Pittsburgh! And worse yet that I couldn't convince anyone to be seeking out tickets with me...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Spirit Animal

This has to be the most ridiculous post I've ever written, but I felt so compelled...

I just finished reading Girls in White Dresses  by Jennifer Close.  Yes, it's chic lit (as they say), but it was a fun, light read; something I was desperately seeking as a break to Sophie's Choice (which I still have not finished).

One of the girls in the book is invited to a costume party where you're suppose to go dressed up as your spirit animal.  (Isn't that the most bizarre thing you're ever heard!  Don't you wish you were invited?!?)  My best guess is that your spirit animal is an animal that embodies who you are.

And so, I got to thinking... If I had a spirit animal what would it be?

The answer:  A hybrid of a ninja turtle and a chicken with its head cut off.  If I had mad photoshop skills, I'd show you what I meant, but I don't.  If I had to dress up, I'd have a turtle shell with chicken feet and chicken "paws."  I'd carry a nun-chuck and cover my head with a ski mask.  It would be the most ridiculous thing you could ever fathom. :)

But why would my spirit animal be a ninja turtle/chicken with its head cut off you ask?

Well, I'm like a turtle in that sometimes I just need my space and privacy.  Shells are great for that.  Also, sometimes I get a little freaked out and uncomfortable and a shell would be perfect for that too.

I'm be a ninja turtle because I see myself as a sometimes "tough" person.  I have a pretty independent I can do it myself attitude, and I like to think if I needed to conquer the world, given a pair of nun-chucks and some sweet Macgyver skills I could do it!  Maybe a cape too, because I'd like to be fashionable and a cape seems like the perfect thing.

Finally, sometimes the ADD or the Ester in me shows, and that is the chicken with its head cut off portion of my spirit animal.  While typically I'm pretty cool and calm like a turtle, other times I feel like my head and body are separated and I'm just running around trying to figure out what to do with myself as a result.  Plus, the chicken part makes me think of chicken little... and sometimes I think the sky is falling and what am I going to do about it?

Haha, riduclousness!

On another note, I would just like to add, this book made me literally laugh out loud.  I think this is one of those weird Melanie-isms.  Books sometimes make me laugh.  When I'm in public places, I try to keep quiet, but sometimes a smirk escapes and I just cannot help myself.  Then I think about how other people see me:  that Asian girl... sitting in the corner reading... smiling and laughing... at a book...
Today, I sat on the couch, read my book and laughed out loud... by myself... just me and the dog... he probably things I'm so weird... LOL

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Daily Random Rantings... And a lil Update too

It's been forever since I've posted.  Much like everything else in life, I kept meaning to, but it just never happened.

After spending the month and a half after summer classes ended job searching, I ended up interviewing and searching to no avail.  (Granted I was being picky about only working days so I can enjoy life while I'm not in school.)  So, I've given in and returned to the retail world.  Luckily my manager has been amazing with working with my "picky" schedule.

What have I learned so far?
-  I really like being on my feet and not tied to a desk, which I already knew.  Time just flies by at the store, since there's always something to do and I'm never bored.
-  I'm quite good at customer service and "styling" customers and I even enjoy it.  It's amazing how many people size up your styling ability by what you're wearing, and luckily I'm pretty decent at putting an outfit together.
-  As time goes by, I'm losing my great desire/motivation to change the world, which is a little sad. :(
-  Ruffles, lace and the color plum seem to be what's "in" right now...  That and old school sweaters...

And a few other random rantings a.k.a. piddly things I'm dying to tell somebody...

-  We're still getting by with just one car, which most days works out fine.  Today, however, I ended up having to hang out at Panera for 2 1/2 hours, which I normally wouldn't mind, but there are some super annoying and loud people sitting next to me.  And I don't want to be the person who gets up to sit on the other side of the room.  (Right now, they are taking turns loudly going over what's in their wallets... in great detail... ugh...)
-  Also, I always secretly wonder when you're at Panera or at a coffee shop by yourself what you're suppose to do with your stuff when you go to the bathroom.  Obviously I'm weird about just leaving my computer and purse alone, but I also don't want to pack up all my junk just to go potty...  Again, the stupid things I wonder about...
-  I'm noticing my ADD a lot more lately.  I find myself repeating or "voicing" in my head what people say or ask me before I can respond or answer.  And other people's conversations distract me so much sometimes, I can't think straight...

Something I'm looking forward to:  Going to the Raven's vs. Steelers game in November
Lately I'm loving:  Fall weather and Pumpkin Spice Lattes (And to think I use to be a summer girl)
What I'm reading:  Sophie's Choice, but I also pre-ordered the Steve Jobs book
Latest CD I've bought:  pre-ordered Michael Buble's Christmas CD!
My current thoughts/feelings:  Trying to enjoy the now of life and not be jaded by the past
Newest random epiphany:  A lot of women are caddy and judgmental  (a little bit of a well duh tidbit for most of you, but it still surprises me...)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Any Given Day

I follow the blog pretty religiously.  It's weird how I feel like I know them because I read about their lives and what they're DIYing on their blog, but obviously I don't know them.

Anyway, one of their posts was an inspiration for today's post.  Sherry (chica from the blog) posted a video of a messy house tour, which I found very intriguing.  I always wonder what people's homes are like, both inside and out.  (Plus I'm always secretly worried about being "The Ghetto Neighbors."  Just ask Jeremi...  I religiously mow the lawn every Wednesday morning because I don't want to be the ones who make everyone else look bad.  And I senselessly worry about other ghetto neighbor behaviors.  As if either Jeremi or me is the least bit ghetto anyway...)

So, back from that crazy rant, you know me, right...

I thought it'd be fun to share what our house looks like on any given day.  I didn't want to post a video because I can't stand the sound of my "electronic" voice.  (I think I sound really annoying when I hear myself on playback.)  So, I'm taking you on a picture tour of our home, giving you full disclosure, so you can see all the little weirdnesses of our lives.  These pictures are from yesterday, so it's not exactly what it looks like anymore, but you get the idea.  And just to warn ya, there are loads of pictures so it turned out to be a really long post...

Starting in the kitchen because we usually enter in the side door of the kitchen...

Kitchen overview...  Not too bad until we move in closer...

Freshly baked bread from that morning.  Plus, a few tins I keep meaning to ask Jeremi if he thinks they're suitable for tea.  (Jeremi has been on a tea kick and he surprises me about the things he cares about... like tea tins...)  And scrap wood from when we built our wardrobe doors, not sure why it's there but obviously it hasn't been put up... lol

The K cup drawer has ended up as one of the many catchall places in our house, not sure why.   There's a timer from my med school days and the 50/10 that I'm repurposing for the kitchen, a strange wood bell thing mom re-gifted to me, and a fold out fan.  So incredibly random...

Two magnetic knife bars that I don't know what to do with since the kitchen walls are wallpapered and I don't want to screw into the wallpaper.  Who puts wallpaper in a kitchen anyway?  They've been sitting there since we moved in basically.  I'm still hoping to be enlightened as to where to put them.

More random stuff on the "bar"

More stuff on the bar that needs to go in the car.
Caesar following me around trying to figure out what in the heck I'm doing.  Pictured behind him is the lamp we bought to make our mannequin light out of.  (Which we did last night! Yay!)

Picture frame on the kitchen table I need to put up...

Box of random stuff I don't know what to do with but can't part with.   Curtain rod for the huge "dining" room window that we're going to put up once I summon up the courage to spend more money on curtains.  (Why are they soooo expensive?  It's freakin' curtains...)  And a can of paint, because we still need to get permission to paint...  Just to clarify, we already had the paint.  I didn't go buy paint before I knew if we could paint...

Overview of the kitchen/dining room...

Overview of the living room...  Notice the frames without pictures.  (I'm the queen of putting up frames and leaving them without pictures for a ridiculous amount of time.  I did put pictures in them last night after these pictures were taken though.  Small victory for me!)  Also, the mannequin we turned into a lamp last night.  Pillows that don't match... I'm working on making covers for them...

Jeremi's beloved recliner that my mom covered for us.  Also, another blank picture frame on the third shelf. lol

Better view of the mannequin and unmatching (not a word) pillow.  Plus the crocheted houndstooth pillow cover I'm working on.  (Yes, I'm secretly an old lady... crocheting and baking my own bread...)

 The entertainment center that also catches random junk.  And our newest addition, the skeleton golfer man on the left is something I picked out on a Hillsville trip with mom a long time ago.  I found it in their basement when sorting through garage sale junks.  Apparently I was the only one who thought it was soo cool, and luckily Jeremi let me put it out...

Our bedroom, which is usually the neatest looking room overall.  More empty frames above the bed that I'm planning to move elsewhere... 

The old wood towel rod where we pile our clothes... Although, you can't see the towel rod anymore... And clearly, you can see my undergarments... I warned you about the full disclosure ;)

The dresser at the end of our bed, another catchall with loads of random junk, including the street sign I "found" from our neighborhood when I was in high school...  Oh, and another blank frame...  Plus me, in the mirror, in my free freshman year of college tshirt, haha...

Junk on the bathroom sink I need to put away...

The bathroom sink... Not sure why I'm including this, lol

Boxes in the bathroom I keep meaning to cover with fabric... (Why are pretty storage boxes so expensive?)

The guest bedroom/office.  (Come visit if you're our way...)  Files on the bed from medical billing joys.

The messy desk where all the joys are had...  Plus my new Steelers cup I'm ridiculously giddy about!  (I was inspired by my SIL's WVU cup so I splurged and got myself a Steelers one.  Plus, it's polka dotted!)

Well, that ends the tour.  Hope you enjoyed the glimpse into our daily life/the mess we call home and my random rantings.  Sorry some of the pictures aren't the best quality.  I do what I can...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Random things that make me Smile

Hi.  I'm Melanie and I'm addicted to

I just can't help it.  It's so much visual stimulation I just don't know what to do with myself but swing around in glee.  Ok, that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point...

Anyway, thought I'd share my "Random things that make me Smile" board for this almost weekend.
Enjoy!  Hope it makes you smile too!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kickin' It Old School

I sometimes think I was born in another generation.  While I do loove my iPhone and Kindle and the internet entirely too much, I also really enjoy some "spinster" or "housewifey" tasks too.  I love to bake and crochet (thanks to Katie!).  I'd prefer to read over watching the tv and browsing the web.  I love the satisfaction of a clean house, and I honestly don't mind doing the laundry.  And I would looove to learn to sew.  (I'd probably make an awesome housewife if I didn't get cabin fever so easily and am currently desperately craving a career on my own.)

But back to the point, lately I've been feeling like we have too much unnecessary crap and that we spend too much money on the dumbest things.  (I mean do I really need another pair of shoes? Or another kitchen-y gadget?)  Also, we had a garage sale at Mom's house and it is insane how much unnecessary stuff we have!  So, I've been on a quest to attempt to live more simply and more "green."

There is such a movement to be "green" right now, which I love.  But the commercial world has also gotten a hold of the green movement, and there's a lot of expensive, earth friendly products out there.  I've been digging sites that show how to be friendly to mother earth while not spending a fortune. (

So, on my quest, I've set out to do a few things that will make life cheaper and hopefully hug the earth a little too...

Here's a few things on the list of to dos:
- Bake a loaf of "sandwich" bread.  I found a recipe to bake a loaf of bread that I'm planning to try.  (I'll try and post pictures later.)  Jeremi packs sandwiches pretty regularly and the cost of things like bread is beginning to escalate.  Plus, as mentioned, I already love to bake.
- Make curtains and curtain rods.  Curtain rods are so stupidly expensive!  Who really needs to spend $30 on a rod to hang something on?  So I found a site that shows how to turn pvc pipe into curtain rods.
- Make my own dishwasher powder and laundry detergent.  I found some cool "recipes" for washing powders, as they say.  Although, the laundry detergent is a recipe for liquid detergent.  Again, these things cost so much and if I can make them inexpensively and more "greenly,"  why not at least give it a try?
- Crochet some reuseable swiffer "socks."  It's so wasteful to keep buying those cloths for the swiffer... (Though FYI, they are great for doggie hair!)  Plus I'd be hugging earth by being less wasteful.

A few earth friendly things we already do...
- Use reusable bags at the grocery store.  I've always hated the plastic bags anyway, plus I try to buy some fun reusable ones, like my Steelers bags. :)
- Reuse the plastic bags we do get as much as we can.  We don't always remember to bring a bag, so when we do end up with plastic ones, I try to put them to good use.
- Mow the lawn with a reel mower.  This one is my favorite.  We bought a new, updated version of the older motor-less mowers that use cutting blades to cut the grass.  It's so much quieter and earth friendly.  I don't stink like gasoline afterwards and it doesn't spray grass in my face.
- Make my own dog treats.  They're so easy to make.  Plus, Caesar doesn't care if I forget about the time and burn them a little!  And at least I know what he's eating.
- Try to set the thermostat a little higher and not blast the air.  Our house stays pretty cool despite the 90 degree weather here.  So, I try to make use of the ceiling fans and not run the air so much.
- Recycle

And finally, some things I want to do in the future to make use of what we have...
- I'd love to have a clothes line in the yard!  It makes sense to utilize the sunlight to help dry clothes instead of wasting energy on the washer.  But as a renter, we haven't jumped on this one and I'm putting off asking the landlord...
- I really want to learn to compost.  It's supposedly really easy and getting fertile soil for plants would be great!  I feel like I missed the boat on this one though, so might save it for next year.
- Plant more "useful" plants.  While I love flowers as much as the next girl, it's nice to plant things that have a purpose and provide some grub.  This year we grew sweet potato leaves and tomatoes (only one of my six plants survived the move).  I also experimented with radishes and spinach that are still maturing, but we'll see how that goes.  I've love to plant more next year, especially now that we have the space to do so.
- I think it'd be fun (Yes, I used the word fun to describe...) to have a rain barrel!  Seems like a great way to make sure of the water nature already provides.

Anyway, you get the point.  Saving money and saving mother earth...

Update-y things/What's been going on:
- We had a garage sale at Mom's as I mentioned.  Got rid of stuff and made a little mulah too!
- Been starting the job search since I'm not optimistic about getting off the ABSN waiting list...
- Been canoeing a few times so far this year and already debating on when we can go again...
- Been DIYing a lot of stuff around the house.  Dyed our new couch slip cover purple.  Made a trunk coffee table.  Jeremi (and his dad) made a bed frame that will house lots of storage stuffs.  Made shelves.

What I thought while typing this:  As usual, I think about my terrible punctuation.
What I want to bake next: Sandwich bread and Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies
Favorite new song:  Take me the way I am by Ingrid Michaelson
What I'm reading:  Getting ready to start Road to Terabithia
What I've been craving lately:  Fried Chicken and Popcorn.  Not necessarily together.  Jeremi makes me popcorn on the stove the ol' fashioned way.  (Yes, he's that wonderful.)
What I'm looking forward to:  the Hillsville flea market, the St. James art festival, a possibly visit from Katie :)

Here's a few pics of what's been going on in our lives...
Caesar on our purple couch
Caesar and J.C. on a recent trip to the in-laws
Caesar and me in the basement sorting stuff for the garage sale

My parents laughing hysterically at Caesar asking permission to get on the couch, then his snuggliness

Monday, July 11, 2011

Beach Bound

The exterior of our hotel, at least according to the website...
We're heading to Virginia Beach this week for the annual VA Roofer's Convention and I have mixed emotions.  I'm pretty much always down for a good road trip, so I'm excited to be going somewhere, excited about a lil shopping, and  definitely excited about some good seafood, because let's face it, there's no denying my love affair with food.  But on the other hand, I'm not really looking forward to the beach part of it all.

I know, I can already see some of your horrified and shocked faces.  It's like someone saying they don't like chocolate. Haha!  One of Jeremi's coworkers asked if I was excited and had any great plans for the beach.  My stupid response was that I had no great plans, and I've never been much of a beach person.  I'm sure he thought I was such a weirdo and not to mention a rude conversation killer.  It's moments like those I think to myself, "Why didn't you just smile and say, 'I'm sure it'll be great.'"

Anyhow, I've never really been the type to enjoy laying out, which is what most people do at the beach.  I just don't feel comfortable laying half naked and soaking up the rays, not to mention I'm already tan.  Lol.

I do, however, love the sunshine and I'm always up for a good book, so I'm sure I won't be bored.  (Well, I never really get bored to begin with...)  Plus, a vacation is a vacation, no matter where you are and I always feel like it's more about the company and the memories...

What I thought most while typing this:  This is a pointless post, maybe I should start over...
What I'm procrastinating/putting off: Reading chapters upon chapters of my developmental psych book.  Oh, and medical billing...
What you might say to me if you saw me: Girl, you desperately need a pedicure.  Haha, or at least that's what I'd say to myself...
Book I'm currently reading: How Starbucks Saved my Life
Current obsession: Fried chicken and

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keep on the Sunny Side

Peonies that were in bloom when we first moved in.
I think about what I want to say on this blog a lot; I look at it as my own therapeutic voice.  I catch myself thinking, "Hmm, I should blog about that..." then I form eloquently stated blogs in my head at random times, like while trying to fall asleep or as I go about by mundane day.  Sadly, a lot of them don't make it on here because I usually forget what it was I was going to say or just don't make the time to say it.  (I know, say hello to my ADD, it's my Jekyl and Hyde, sometimes good and sometimes evil.)

Other times, I sensor myself, thinking perhaps I shouldn't say this or that, it might hurt someone's feelings or be taken the wrong way, but...  it's my blog after all, so stop reading when I offend you.  Although chances are, you'll be shaking your head in agreement and wanting to say, "Amen sister!' or at least that's what I like to imagine.

So, here's what's been on my mind lately.  I'm thinking of deactivating facebook.  I say this all the time, and I never have been a huge fan.  I'm tired of reading people's statuses that are complaining about something in some way shape or form.  Now I'll admit, it's nice to keep in touch with people you otherwise wouldn't keep in touch with and some people get on facebook to share exciting news, like job promotions, graduations and baby announcements, but I see a lot of useless complaining.

So, let's be frank.  Here's what stirred the thought within me.  There's one particular person who seems to always be complaining, whether it's the town she lives in that she hates, what people around have said or done or fed someone, or some other something.  (Yes, I'm attempting to keep some semblance of anonymity.)  Point being, why are people always complaining, and seemingly to me, usually women.  When did my generation become a generation of e-complaining?  Or has it always been that way and I just never noticed?

Anyway, I'm not even attempting to say I'm perfect or that I don't whine and complain from time to time.  But, I do try my best to keep it to a minimum.

But finally really getting to the point, when did we stop appreciating all that we have?  Shouldn't we be grateful that our kids get to eat at all, whether or not you agree with what someone fed them? And I know we can't send all our extra food to Africa or the Philippines or wherever, but shouldn't we be grateful we even have extra food to spare?

I use to keep a gratitude journal, which I've been newly motivated to restart.  We have much to be grateful for: running water, food, shelter, the basic necessities, even the right to marry those we love (at least for some of us).  I have so much more than that to be grateful for.  My birthday is coming up, and I don't have to think, can we afford to buy a cake to celebrate?  When was the last time you thought about people who couldn't afford an indulgence like a birthday cake?  Sometimes it's all in how you look at things, are you complaining about being pricked by thorns or enjoying the lovely smell of roses?

Ok, I'll try to step down a little from the soap box.  (But just a little...)  Just remember Keep on the Sunny Side...

P.S.  I just realized I wrote a blog complaining about people who complain.  Oh the irony...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back from my hiatus and broadcasting from...


So much has happened since my last post I can hardly decide where to begin.

The house we're renting in Roanoke in case you were curious.  It's small but has a huge fenced in yard for the dog! :)
We've unofficially moved to Roanoke and pretty much love it here.  I say unofficially because we're still in the process of selling our townhouse.  Also, we haven't exactly moved all of our stuff; a good bit of it is still hanging out at either my parent's house or at the townhouse.  But as they say, home is where your dog is, and the dog (and most of our necessary stuffs) reside in Roanoke.

I'm back in school after a just over two year hiatus and loving it too.  I'm currently taking pre-reqs for an accelerated (btw, two 'c's and one 'l', I misspelled it and feel like I should make a point of knowing how to spell a word that's part of the program I'm trying to get into, what would we do without spell check?) BSN program that I'm wait listed for.  I guess I was re-reminded how much I truly do love school.  I was telling Jeremi before I started how excited I was to buy school supplies and set up my desk in the other bedroom.  Yes, I'm lame and perhaps a geek too.  Nonetheless, I've learned soooo much cool stuff and hopefully I'll be learning so much more.

A few things we've been into aside from attempting to organize the house, move our stuff, and adjust to school/Jeremi's new job...

- Went to our second Michael Buble concert in Pittsburgh which was fabulous!  I included a clip because at the point in the concert when he comes to the middle of the floor, we were soo close!  Have no idea how well it'll load and what it'll look like since I'ver never done this before.  Also hit up the Church Brewery while we were there, which is one of the first "fancy" places Jeremi and I went to when we first started dating; so that was some nice nostalgia. :)

Jeremi and me at the Church Brewery in Pittsburgh.  It's a little blurry, but Jeremi's actually smiling. :)
- Finally went on our first canoe adventure of the year, which turned out to be a little crazy.  The last couple of miles of the float it started to rain, then poured the rain.  We paddled like crazy in an effort to get out of the water in case it was gonna storm.  Naturally, the rain subsided when we neared the take out.  I was plum exhausted given I have no upper body strength and had to help Jeremi load the canoe on the car.  (Yes, poor Jeremi, due to my lack of strength, he did more lifting than me.  Luckily, he's quite the trooper.)  And we're planning on going canoeing this weekend so they'll definitely be more adventures to share.

Caesar's gotten so big as you can see!  You can only imagine how much his movement rocks the canoe...
- Celebrated our second wedding anniversary!  It's crazy to think it's been two years already!  Didn't do anything too exciting since we had just come back from Pittsburgh the weekend before.  Stayed in and cooked steak and crab legs, which were super delish, and broke in our china!  I was particularly pumped because we had yet to use it and I really do love it.  (Seems weird to love china, plus it makes me feel entirely too girly.)

Sorry it's been such a long post, but wanted to catch you lovely folks up.  That's all for now, but I promise to make better efforts to post more.

What I'm reading: Four different sample chapters on my Kindle.  Jeremi, being the awesome hubby he is, offered to buy me a book (I usually cheap out and read either the free ones or the ones less than $5).  I got excited at spending as much as $15 on a book (Isn't he quite the splurger?) and haven't been able to decide what to get...
Favorite New Song: Better Man by James Morrison.  Love love love it, so it's on a constant loop in my head most of the time.
Looking forward to: Another canoe trip and my upcoming bday! 
What I thought most while typing this:  It's sad that I typed this during my 10  minute breaks (Yes, I'm back to the 50/10 if you know what I mean) and during my lunch break.
Random aside:  I would like to share my blog with more people, but I still find it scary.  I just don't see how people can post on facebook and say, "Read my newest blog entry."  I'm just not that person...  So, share with others, but don't post on facebook about it, or if you do, know that it would totally freak me out... (Yes, I know, I'm so weird...)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Al Gore's Greatest Invention

I love the internet... I know it's a strange post, but it's true.  There is a wealth of information, lovely pictures, inspiration, and all at the mere tips of your fingers...

Anyway, wasted some good quality time this morning and discovered these two sites I wanted to share... - This one is hard to explain.  It's pretty much like a virtual bulletin board with an assortment of random stuff.  Some are themed, some are not.  Plus, you can look at what other people pin...  Cool stuff... - An amazing baker blog.  Plus, she has loads of amazing pictures and tutorials.  So many things I want to try...

That's how I spent my morning...  Recovering my sore muscles (I voiced Musk-kles in my head) from staining the deck via the internet, mostly the two sites above, a little clothes folding from massive amounts of piled up clean laundry, and an amazing cup of coffee...

Leaving you with this photo of our stained deck courtesy of 24 hours of serious staining... Yes, I'm a staining master now... ;)

Our Stained Deck

And now on to the joys of medical billing...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Keeping up with the Joneses

Random Educational Tidbit:  Ever wonder where the phrase "Keeping up with the Joneses" came from?  Apparently it all started with a 1913 comic strip from the NY Times... (at least according to wiki)

Anywhoo, I've never really been one to worry about keeping up with the joneses.  Admittedly I have some nice stuff and I do continue to buy nice stuff, but mostly because I like the nice stuff.  I'm the type to oooh and ahhh over the softness of leather, the brighty cheer colors of a fabric, and the lovely details of a polka dot or some other print.  But I must add that in an effort to be a true tight wad and less materialistic, I've started to be more creative with my love of nice stuff.  For instance, I've been shopping at goodwill more often and am going to learn to sew.  After all, you might be surprised to know that a lot of my favorite outfits usually cost less in total than say... my purse, lol.

But... I have found one area of life that I never realized I worry about what the darn Joneses are doing... a career.  I've always foolishly had the thought that life will be great once all this schooling is over and I can begin my "real" life.  Then came the hiccup of medical school, but I don't want to dwell too much on that again...  The time is quickly approaching that my old class is getting ready to graduate from medical school and I'm starting (or started until this revelation) to see them as the Joneses.  I then begin to panic and start down that old familiar path of... well, life will be great once I get this nursing education stuff going...

But... And here's the PSA you've been waiting for...  Life is great now.  I have much to be grateful for.  My "real" life is the present and what I make of it.  Now, I've got to get off my butt and make something of what's left of the day.  (Although, in my defense, I'd already powered washed the half of the deck we didn't get to last night, had breakfast and did a little vacuuming this morning before I sat down and started wasting time/procrastinating on the web.)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Not So Normal Day in the Life of Me

So I have what I call "sick" spells.  I get lightheaded, sometimes dizzy, nauseous,  my face gets flushed and I just over all feel yuck.  I've had my thyroid checkout and ruled out MS so other than the vasovagal response stuff, no one really knows what's wrong with me.  As a result, I get to endure various random testing, the current one being a 24hr EEG.

Me attempting to look "normal."  I put a hat on and a shirt on top of my wires.
So, (and yes I started two paragraphs with the word "so" despite knowing that it's against the rules) I thought I'd share the joyous experience with you lovely folks.  I have ridiculous amounts of goo in my hair.  I'm attached to what feels like eight million wires (reminds me of the movie Avatar).  I have a panic button.  It's actually a button to push in case I have an "episode."  I have to carry the little machine attached to all those wires.  And my head has a stocking-ish thing on it wrapped in a bandage.  Fun times.  See the fun times pictured here. Haha.
Me with my bandaged stocking head

Me showing off my machine/purse....
I know... you're jealous of all the fun times had by me.  Yup, this is what my life is currently like...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Focus on the Good and Avoid Perfection

I wanted to write a post today and struggled to come up with what exactly it is I wanted to share with the world...

Until... After rereading the Love & Marriage chapter of The Happiness Project it dawned on me.  Throughout the books, she lists her own commandments, which are basically things to keep achieving toward throughout the project, very much like your own tailored version of the ten commandments.

Anyway, I came upon my first one...  Focus on the Good and Avoid Perfection.  I believe this is an important one during this month in my happiness project and maybe that's why it came to me.

For example, one of the big muffin's household jobs is to take out the trash.  (Not because this is a "man's" job, but because I despise dealing with the trash.)  Applying my first commandment (randomly, that previous phrase makes me think about having to apply certain rules to prove a proof in HS geometry), I need to remember that while the trash isn't always emptied when it's full (which I refuse to do), this version of perfection isn't important.  Perhaps I should NOT focus on the full trash and remember all the cool little things big muffin does for me... like... buying orange creamsicle lollipops when he's out by himself because he remembers me spending time in the checkout line searching like small child for orange creamsicle because it's soo listed on the sign... lol...  Hopefully you get the point of all that gibberish.

Besides, perfection tends to plague me.  Yes, I was one of those students that aimed to make as many A's as possible, not to please my parents, but because I love the gold stars.  :)  And yes, I'm that person who looks at a perfectly good cupcake and thinks, ehh, it really could use a lot more work...  If I weren't so thrifty (or as big muffin calls me, a cheap @$$), I'd have a huge pile of reject cupcakes, cookies, etc.

Anyhow, that's my first commandment and something to focus on for the month and for for-ev-er.... (Suppose to sound that one out like on the movie Sandlot...)

Now on to some other random things I wanted to share:

- My good friend and Godsister Rochelle has decided to blog too!  Yay! She's the most levelheaded, wise and honestly good person I know so I'm sure she'll have lots of good stuff to share.
Simply Grateful -

- I had a request from my SIL for an email whenever I post.  I added a spot so that she, and anyone else, can receive an email every time I update/post on the site.

- Finally one more random bit, my parents are getting Iphones today!  I find this both very exciting and a little hilarious.  I know they'll both love it, but it's just a little funny to me to picture either one of them with such a gadgety gadget.  Going over there later to help get it all set up later.  Wish me luck! lol

What I thought most while typing this:  I can't help but wonder if I make sense to people...
Something silly I saw yesterday while out and about that excited me:  I saw a 11 year old girl (I'm guessing at her age) with a Kindle!  I was so excited for her and felt kinda stupid about being excited. lol  I would have loved having a Kindle when I was younger and I definitely love it now.
Crazy thing we did this week:  Seriously considered buy a $33,000 house to renovate.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Very Own Happiness Project

The Happiness Project

I'm back and only two days later.  I can't usually get to writing posts that quickly, not because I'm infinitely busy, but more because I'm infinitely lazy, but here I am and I'm pumped about it.  (Maybe I'm here because I'm procrastinating, but at least I'm getting something done...)  So, here goes...

The Happiness Project was one of the first books I read on my kindle and I loved it.  So, I emailed the author, got her resolutions charts, then started my own happiness project.  Then I got derailed, then I started over, then I got derailed again...

So, I started again and completely anew at the onset of Lent.  Given Lent is a season for change, I felt it appropriate, sort of like the Catholic's New Year.  (Although, technically the liturgical season starts over at Easter, but Lent makes a good time for new resolutions...  I think you get what I'm saying...)  It went great for the first week, then I got a little distracted again, but this time, I have kept plugging along despite the hiccup.  This is a small victory itself as I usually get frustrated with myself and just drop whatever it is I'm doing.

Anyway, with only 2 days left in March, I've pseudo-successfully made it through the first month.  And for those of you who haven't read this (you should because it's amazing!), here's the quick and dirty on what exactly it is I'm doing.

March was dedicated to Energy and Health.  So, I had eight resolutions to fulfill on a daily basis.  Sounds a bit overbearing, but it's really not.  Here were my eight...
- Early to bed, Early to Rise: Apparently my circadian rhythms are jacked, so this is one I'm still working on.
- Healthy meals and snacks M-F
- Something active every day
- Outside Time:  Because sometimes I give myself cabin fever whilst working at home...
- Evening Tidy Up:  Because I feel better when things around me aren't as they say... a hot mess...
- Out and About:  Because I hate running errands, so I need to force myself to get out and about...
- Nagging Task:  Because accomplishing a nagging task, truly is energizing.
- Organize & Declutter: I still need to work on this one more so, but I did clean out my closets and get rid of stuff Jeremi and I either don't fit into or don't wear.  It's pretty liberating as silly as that sounds...

I faired pretty well.  The plan is to tackle a new subject/area of need every month while also keeping up with the old stuff.  The more I write about it, the more motivated I'm finding myself, so maybe this is time well spent after all.

So, what's up for April you ask?  (or maybe you don't ask, but I'm telling anyway)...
Love & Marriage.  Not that my marriage is on the rocks, Jeremi and I get along surprisingly well nearly all the time.  I felt like getting my energy and health back (both mentally and physically) should be my first priority.   The close second was to shower love and attention on beloved hubby since he's been my listening ear and shoulder to cry on throughout this whole medical school/career soul searching ordeal.  It's been an emotional roller coaster ride for 2 years now, and he deserves some, as they say, mad props!

FYI- The Urban dictionary definition of mad props: Used when someone does something that is appreciated or respected. It as an alternative to thank you.

I am making my Love & Marriage resolutions tomorrow.  BTW, while Jeremi knows about my happiness project, he doesn't know what's in store for April, so it'll be fun to see his reactions. :)

That's all for now folks.  I'll try to continually keep you updated on my happiness project.  Also, I highly suggest buying this book!  It's amazing!  The caption below the pictured book links to the author's site and lists where you can buy it...

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Year of AHAs!

I'm beginning to think this might be the year of AHAs!  Perhaps all this soul searching is finally getting me somewhere, and quite frankly, it's bout freakin' time!

- I'm really excited about the nursing school prospect.  I've already applied to a school and depending on how my previous credits transfer, I may even be able to start this fall (with some required summer courses), but that's the overly optimistic version.  Either way, I feel like nursing seems right.  It will allow me to be in a clinical setting, hopefully eventually down the road as an np, and will also allow me to work a decent paying job while I'm seeking out all this education.  Hoorah for an answer to the career soul searching! (Also, I have to add that hoorah is technically misspelled and that the first correction offered is hookah.)

- I might finally have a sensible diagnosis for all this health stuff I've been dealing with.  At first we thought thyroid problems, as was pointed out to me by the physician running my patient care class in medical school.  That's not it.  Then I freaked out and thought I had MS, especially since my mom has it, but that's not it.  Then there was a thought that it could be narcolepsy and it's probably not that either.  Went to the neurologist today, and he mentioned both a vasovagal response and delayed sleep phase syndrome.  I wikipedia-ed it (and yes, I know it's not considered a "real" source but it does give a great overview) and it makes so much sense!  DSPS explains my inability to fall asleep at a "normal" hour, to wake at a "normal" hour, which would explain the endless fatigue and a vasovagal response sounds dead on with my "sick" spells.  Very pumped about a possibly correct diagnosis!  Treatment for this, coupled with a possible dairy allergy could be the answer.  Say it with me... Ahhhhhaaaaa...

- Also, I'm really excited about moving to Roanoke.  I think, and I feel the need to say it again, think, Roanoke will be a great place for us to live.  If we live in the right neighborhood (the neighborhood I've been scoping houses out in), I'll be able to walk to school, take Caesar to the dog park, and maybe even walk to other necessary amenities.  Plus, if we get a scooter like we've been talking about, I could scooter to and fro.  Yes, I said to and fro.  The new river is still close by for canoeing adventures.  Roanoke is definitely bigger than Princeton, offering "indulgences" such as shopping at places other than Walmart, and a Fresh Market, and other shops I love that people who don't live in tiny Princeton forget about.  Plus, the area likes to focus on supporting local shops, restaurants and other establishments, which I'm completely into!

One last thing...  I read this book called The Happiness Project a while back.  It really made an impact on me and I've attempted to start my own happiness project a couple of times, and have since started it up again and more seriously committed to it!  Perhaps it's the cause of the aha moments, perhaps not, either way I think it's a great way to begin to change your life in lots of little ways.

I guess that's all for now on the aha moments!  Hopefully more will come and quickly because I'm terribly impatient...

What I'm reading: 20 Something Manifesto, The Healing of America (pick up where I left off)
What I've been listening to lately: Pandora station made from At Last by Etta James (it rocks!)
Favorite New Song: I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked by Ida Maria
What I'm baking next: good question, maybe a new kind of cookie
Looking forward to: seeing Michael Buble in concert again! 
What I thought most while typing this:  Is this a cohesive (not all over the place) post? Or does it just sound like I'm spewing as many words as possible as quickly as possible?  Haha
Random aside:  I constantly have all these random thoughts that I keep meaning to turn into blog posts...  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

25 Things You Maybe Don't Know About Me

I wanted to post something light-hearted for you (who ever few left it is that still read this) since it seems I'm always griping about something.  So, here's my attempt at something light and fluffy like angel food cake... in contrast to the death by chocolate I usually provide.  (Does that even make sense to anyone?)

I always secretly want to answer those ridiculous questionnaires that people either post on facebook or on email forwards, but I never do.  One, because I'm too lazy to take the time out to do the darn thing, and two, because of my weird privacy issues.

What are my weird privacy issues?  Good question.  I suppose it just kinda freaks me out that you can post a status on facebook and everyone knows what you're up to and where you're at, even people half way across the world.  It seems ridiculous and unnecessary, but at the same time, I like to read those statuses as much as the next person...  Plus, what ever happened to good ol' fashioned communication, not via the net (I say as I type this blog...)  For instance, I was out to dinner a few weeks back and I began to tell others about this stupid little thing I did, but I was interrupted with the response of...  Oh, I saw your facebook status on that...  That's what the world is coming to...

Anyhow (stepping down from the soapbox), on to my 25 things...

Oh, one more thing, I tend to be frank and very honest.  I felt I should warn you.

1.  I have the US Weekly app on my phone and I hate to admit that I love it.  I find it acceptable to stalk the celebrities despite my uncomfortableness with facebook.  I know I'm such a hypocrite. (Also, I stole the 25 things idea from US Weekly who does it with celebrities... yes, I'm looking to feel famous.)
2.  I like to sleep in my underwear.  Maybe that's TMI, but seriously, who needs PJs.
3.  I always say, if I were skinny and fit, I'd walk around half naked nearly all the time.  That's probably why God made me so that I love food so much I'll never really be skinny.
4.  I don't think I'm funny, not really at all.  I don't really think of myself as smart either.
5.  I hate the question: What type of music do you like?  Mostly because I like a good variety and have music ADD.
6.  I really do have ADD.
7.  I hate coats, socks and shoes so I try to buy the most stylish or ridiculous ones I can find in an effort to make myself wear them.
8.  I regularly run into things, whether I have my glasses/contacts in or whether or not the lights are on.
9.  I'm an indulgent cheapo.  I love nice stuff, but I try to pinch pennies on the everyday things.  Does that make me balanced? Haha, probably in all the wrong ways...
10.  I secretly worry entirely too much about things like having an emergency cash fund, getting a retirement fund set up, etc...
11.  I don't really know what my favorite color is.  It use to be yellow, but now I've come to just love them all.
12.  I love cheese!  But I think I have a dairy allergy so I'm trying not to eat too much.  It's been hard!
13.  My dog, Caesar, is my first real pet.  I wasn't really allowed to have pets, so I had fish and a turtle.  And I wasn't very good with fish. :(
14.  I only have one printed picture from our wedding; that one picture is one someone gave us.
15.  I have a Kindle that I absolutely love.  It even sleeps under my pillow in case I have trouble sleeping.
16.  I've been have sleep issues lately. :(
17.  I usually find most conversations really boring.  Probably cause my mind moves to fast and has already moved on.
18.  I hate talking on the phone.
19.  I love magazines despite how bad they are for the environment, but reading a magazine online or on a kindle isn't the same.
20.  I secretly wish I could have red haired babies, but genetics just won't allow it.
21.  I've been trying to learn to play the violin for about 9 years now.
22.  On my list of things to do in my life are: visit NYC during Christmastime, see a ballet and a broadway show.
23.  I love museums, especially reading all the little signs.
24.  I love patterns: stripes, polka dots, geometric, you name it...
25.  Some of my favorite meals are down home southern foods: meatloaf, anything with gravy, pot roast, mashed potatoes...

Well, that's about it.  Hope you weren't bored to tears.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Huge Thanks to You!

This is actually a banking ad and a clever one at that, but I figured an appropriate one for the big sister figure in my life who shall remain nameless because I'm never sure if it's a good idea to just throw out people's names on the internet.  (Maybe they'll have weird privacy issues like me or maybe not, but ya never know.)

Anyway, after a little phone tag, had a great conversation with R who suggested I looking become a nurse practitioner.  I've never really considered this, mostly because I never wanted to be a nurse, but there's a big difference between a np and an rn. 

Very enlightening!  So, I've done a little researching, I'm greatly considering it and really excited about the idea!  I think it'll be a great fit for me in terms of allowing me to find a way to save the world around me, make good money in an effort to pay off my student loans, and allow me to have a life.  

So, I'm having yet another AHA! moment in my life and I love it!  So thanks a ton to you big sister! :) 

And in other news, we'll be moving soon!  Jeremi's waiting for the official job offer, but we're both very much looking forward to moving.  I'm so very ready to move out of Princeton and am looking forward to all that the Roanoke area has to offer.  So... Double Yay for today!

What I'm reading: Sheet Music, Also still looking for another guilty pleasure read
What I've been listening to lately: New CDs by Amos Lee and Adele
Favorite New Song: Better Man by James Morrison
What I'm baking next: Cheesecake cupcakes I'm naming the Markie
Looking forward to: the possibility of nursing school 
Crazy thing I/We did this week: Shot Jeremi's Golfball cannon! :)
What I thought most while typing this:  I never know where commas truly go.  I deleted and added some as I thought was correct, but I'm pretty sure they're all wrong.