Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Very Own Happiness Project

The Happiness Project

I'm back and only two days later.  I can't usually get to writing posts that quickly, not because I'm infinitely busy, but more because I'm infinitely lazy, but here I am and I'm pumped about it.  (Maybe I'm here because I'm procrastinating, but at least I'm getting something done...)  So, here goes...

The Happiness Project was one of the first books I read on my kindle and I loved it.  So, I emailed the author, got her resolutions charts, then started my own happiness project.  Then I got derailed, then I started over, then I got derailed again...

So, I started again and completely anew at the onset of Lent.  Given Lent is a season for change, I felt it appropriate, sort of like the Catholic's New Year.  (Although, technically the liturgical season starts over at Easter, but Lent makes a good time for new resolutions...  I think you get what I'm saying...)  It went great for the first week, then I got a little distracted again, but this time, I have kept plugging along despite the hiccup.  This is a small victory itself as I usually get frustrated with myself and just drop whatever it is I'm doing.

Anyway, with only 2 days left in March, I've pseudo-successfully made it through the first month.  And for those of you who haven't read this (you should because it's amazing!), here's the quick and dirty on what exactly it is I'm doing.

March was dedicated to Energy and Health.  So, I had eight resolutions to fulfill on a daily basis.  Sounds a bit overbearing, but it's really not.  Here were my eight...
- Early to bed, Early to Rise: Apparently my circadian rhythms are jacked, so this is one I'm still working on.
- Healthy meals and snacks M-F
- Something active every day
- Outside Time:  Because sometimes I give myself cabin fever whilst working at home...
- Evening Tidy Up:  Because I feel better when things around me aren't as they say... a hot mess...
- Out and About:  Because I hate running errands, so I need to force myself to get out and about...
- Nagging Task:  Because accomplishing a nagging task, truly is energizing.
- Organize & Declutter: I still need to work on this one more so, but I did clean out my closets and get rid of stuff Jeremi and I either don't fit into or don't wear.  It's pretty liberating as silly as that sounds...

I faired pretty well.  The plan is to tackle a new subject/area of need every month while also keeping up with the old stuff.  The more I write about it, the more motivated I'm finding myself, so maybe this is time well spent after all.

So, what's up for April you ask?  (or maybe you don't ask, but I'm telling anyway)...
Love & Marriage.  Not that my marriage is on the rocks, Jeremi and I get along surprisingly well nearly all the time.  I felt like getting my energy and health back (both mentally and physically) should be my first priority.   The close second was to shower love and attention on beloved hubby since he's been my listening ear and shoulder to cry on throughout this whole medical school/career soul searching ordeal.  It's been an emotional roller coaster ride for 2 years now, and he deserves some, as they say, mad props!

FYI- The Urban dictionary definition of mad props: Used when someone does something that is appreciated or respected. It as an alternative to thank you.

I am making my Love & Marriage resolutions tomorrow.  BTW, while Jeremi knows about my happiness project, he doesn't know what's in store for April, so it'll be fun to see his reactions. :)

That's all for now folks.  I'll try to continually keep you updated on my happiness project.  Also, I highly suggest buying this book!  It's amazing!  The caption below the pictured book links to the author's site and lists where you can buy it...

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