Monday, July 11, 2011

Beach Bound

The exterior of our hotel, at least according to the website...
We're heading to Virginia Beach this week for the annual VA Roofer's Convention and I have mixed emotions.  I'm pretty much always down for a good road trip, so I'm excited to be going somewhere, excited about a lil shopping, and  definitely excited about some good seafood, because let's face it, there's no denying my love affair with food.  But on the other hand, I'm not really looking forward to the beach part of it all.

I know, I can already see some of your horrified and shocked faces.  It's like someone saying they don't like chocolate. Haha!  One of Jeremi's coworkers asked if I was excited and had any great plans for the beach.  My stupid response was that I had no great plans, and I've never been much of a beach person.  I'm sure he thought I was such a weirdo and not to mention a rude conversation killer.  It's moments like those I think to myself, "Why didn't you just smile and say, 'I'm sure it'll be great.'"

Anyhow, I've never really been the type to enjoy laying out, which is what most people do at the beach.  I just don't feel comfortable laying half naked and soaking up the rays, not to mention I'm already tan.  Lol.

I do, however, love the sunshine and I'm always up for a good book, so I'm sure I won't be bored.  (Well, I never really get bored to begin with...)  Plus, a vacation is a vacation, no matter where you are and I always feel like it's more about the company and the memories...

What I thought most while typing this:  This is a pointless post, maybe I should start over...
What I'm procrastinating/putting off: Reading chapters upon chapters of my developmental psych book.  Oh, and medical billing...
What you might say to me if you saw me: Girl, you desperately need a pedicure.  Haha, or at least that's what I'd say to myself...
Book I'm currently reading: How Starbucks Saved my Life
Current obsession: Fried chicken and

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keep on the Sunny Side

Peonies that were in bloom when we first moved in.
I think about what I want to say on this blog a lot; I look at it as my own therapeutic voice.  I catch myself thinking, "Hmm, I should blog about that..." then I form eloquently stated blogs in my head at random times, like while trying to fall asleep or as I go about by mundane day.  Sadly, a lot of them don't make it on here because I usually forget what it was I was going to say or just don't make the time to say it.  (I know, say hello to my ADD, it's my Jekyl and Hyde, sometimes good and sometimes evil.)

Other times, I sensor myself, thinking perhaps I shouldn't say this or that, it might hurt someone's feelings or be taken the wrong way, but...  it's my blog after all, so stop reading when I offend you.  Although chances are, you'll be shaking your head in agreement and wanting to say, "Amen sister!' or at least that's what I like to imagine.

So, here's what's been on my mind lately.  I'm thinking of deactivating facebook.  I say this all the time, and I never have been a huge fan.  I'm tired of reading people's statuses that are complaining about something in some way shape or form.  Now I'll admit, it's nice to keep in touch with people you otherwise wouldn't keep in touch with and some people get on facebook to share exciting news, like job promotions, graduations and baby announcements, but I see a lot of useless complaining.

So, let's be frank.  Here's what stirred the thought within me.  There's one particular person who seems to always be complaining, whether it's the town she lives in that she hates, what people around have said or done or fed someone, or some other something.  (Yes, I'm attempting to keep some semblance of anonymity.)  Point being, why are people always complaining, and seemingly to me, usually women.  When did my generation become a generation of e-complaining?  Or has it always been that way and I just never noticed?

Anyway, I'm not even attempting to say I'm perfect or that I don't whine and complain from time to time.  But, I do try my best to keep it to a minimum.

But finally really getting to the point, when did we stop appreciating all that we have?  Shouldn't we be grateful that our kids get to eat at all, whether or not you agree with what someone fed them? And I know we can't send all our extra food to Africa or the Philippines or wherever, but shouldn't we be grateful we even have extra food to spare?

I use to keep a gratitude journal, which I've been newly motivated to restart.  We have much to be grateful for: running water, food, shelter, the basic necessities, even the right to marry those we love (at least for some of us).  I have so much more than that to be grateful for.  My birthday is coming up, and I don't have to think, can we afford to buy a cake to celebrate?  When was the last time you thought about people who couldn't afford an indulgence like a birthday cake?  Sometimes it's all in how you look at things, are you complaining about being pricked by thorns or enjoying the lovely smell of roses?

Ok, I'll try to step down a little from the soap box.  (But just a little...)  Just remember Keep on the Sunny Side...

P.S.  I just realized I wrote a blog complaining about people who complain.  Oh the irony...