Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Daily Random Rantings... And a lil Update too

It's been forever since I've posted.  Much like everything else in life, I kept meaning to, but it just never happened.

After spending the month and a half after summer classes ended job searching, I ended up interviewing and searching to no avail.  (Granted I was being picky about only working days so I can enjoy life while I'm not in school.)  So, I've given in and returned to the retail world.  Luckily my manager has been amazing with working with my "picky" schedule.

What have I learned so far?
-  I really like being on my feet and not tied to a desk, which I already knew.  Time just flies by at the store, since there's always something to do and I'm never bored.
-  I'm quite good at customer service and "styling" customers and I even enjoy it.  It's amazing how many people size up your styling ability by what you're wearing, and luckily I'm pretty decent at putting an outfit together.
-  As time goes by, I'm losing my great desire/motivation to change the world, which is a little sad. :(
-  Ruffles, lace and the color plum seem to be what's "in" right now...  That and old school sweaters...

And a few other random rantings a.k.a. piddly things I'm dying to tell somebody...

-  We're still getting by with just one car, which most days works out fine.  Today, however, I ended up having to hang out at Panera for 2 1/2 hours, which I normally wouldn't mind, but there are some super annoying and loud people sitting next to me.  And I don't want to be the person who gets up to sit on the other side of the room.  (Right now, they are taking turns loudly going over what's in their wallets... in great detail... ugh...)
-  Also, I always secretly wonder when you're at Panera or at a coffee shop by yourself what you're suppose to do with your stuff when you go to the bathroom.  Obviously I'm weird about just leaving my computer and purse alone, but I also don't want to pack up all my junk just to go potty...  Again, the stupid things I wonder about...
-  I'm noticing my ADD a lot more lately.  I find myself repeating or "voicing" in my head what people say or ask me before I can respond or answer.  And other people's conversations distract me so much sometimes, I can't think straight...

Something I'm looking forward to:  Going to the Raven's vs. Steelers game in November
Lately I'm loving:  Fall weather and Pumpkin Spice Lattes (And to think I use to be a summer girl)
What I'm reading:  Sophie's Choice, but I also pre-ordered the Steve Jobs book
Latest CD I've bought:  pre-ordered Michael Buble's Christmas CD!
My current thoughts/feelings:  Trying to enjoy the now of life and not be jaded by the past
Newest random epiphany:  A lot of women are caddy and judgmental  (a little bit of a well duh tidbit for most of you, but it still surprises me...)

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