Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Any Given Day

I follow the blog pretty religiously.  It's weird how I feel like I know them because I read about their lives and what they're DIYing on their blog, but obviously I don't know them.

Anyway, one of their posts was an inspiration for today's post.  Sherry (chica from the blog) posted a video of a messy house tour, which I found very intriguing.  I always wonder what people's homes are like, both inside and out.  (Plus I'm always secretly worried about being "The Ghetto Neighbors."  Just ask Jeremi...  I religiously mow the lawn every Wednesday morning because I don't want to be the ones who make everyone else look bad.  And I senselessly worry about other ghetto neighbor behaviors.  As if either Jeremi or me is the least bit ghetto anyway...)

So, back from that crazy rant, you know me, right...

I thought it'd be fun to share what our house looks like on any given day.  I didn't want to post a video because I can't stand the sound of my "electronic" voice.  (I think I sound really annoying when I hear myself on playback.)  So, I'm taking you on a picture tour of our home, giving you full disclosure, so you can see all the little weirdnesses of our lives.  These pictures are from yesterday, so it's not exactly what it looks like anymore, but you get the idea.  And just to warn ya, there are loads of pictures so it turned out to be a really long post...

Starting in the kitchen because we usually enter in the side door of the kitchen...

Kitchen overview...  Not too bad until we move in closer...

Freshly baked bread from that morning.  Plus, a few tins I keep meaning to ask Jeremi if he thinks they're suitable for tea.  (Jeremi has been on a tea kick and he surprises me about the things he cares about... like tea tins...)  And scrap wood from when we built our wardrobe doors, not sure why it's there but obviously it hasn't been put up... lol

The K cup drawer has ended up as one of the many catchall places in our house, not sure why.   There's a timer from my med school days and the 50/10 that I'm repurposing for the kitchen, a strange wood bell thing mom re-gifted to me, and a fold out fan.  So incredibly random...

Two magnetic knife bars that I don't know what to do with since the kitchen walls are wallpapered and I don't want to screw into the wallpaper.  Who puts wallpaper in a kitchen anyway?  They've been sitting there since we moved in basically.  I'm still hoping to be enlightened as to where to put them.

More random stuff on the "bar"

More stuff on the bar that needs to go in the car.
Caesar following me around trying to figure out what in the heck I'm doing.  Pictured behind him is the lamp we bought to make our mannequin light out of.  (Which we did last night! Yay!)

Picture frame on the kitchen table I need to put up...

Box of random stuff I don't know what to do with but can't part with.   Curtain rod for the huge "dining" room window that we're going to put up once I summon up the courage to spend more money on curtains.  (Why are they soooo expensive?  It's freakin' curtains...)  And a can of paint, because we still need to get permission to paint...  Just to clarify, we already had the paint.  I didn't go buy paint before I knew if we could paint...

Overview of the kitchen/dining room...

Overview of the living room...  Notice the frames without pictures.  (I'm the queen of putting up frames and leaving them without pictures for a ridiculous amount of time.  I did put pictures in them last night after these pictures were taken though.  Small victory for me!)  Also, the mannequin we turned into a lamp last night.  Pillows that don't match... I'm working on making covers for them...

Jeremi's beloved recliner that my mom covered for us.  Also, another blank picture frame on the third shelf. lol

Better view of the mannequin and unmatching (not a word) pillow.  Plus the crocheted houndstooth pillow cover I'm working on.  (Yes, I'm secretly an old lady... crocheting and baking my own bread...)

 The entertainment center that also catches random junk.  And our newest addition, the skeleton golfer man on the left is something I picked out on a Hillsville trip with mom a long time ago.  I found it in their basement when sorting through garage sale junks.  Apparently I was the only one who thought it was soo cool, and luckily Jeremi let me put it out...

Our bedroom, which is usually the neatest looking room overall.  More empty frames above the bed that I'm planning to move elsewhere... 

The old wood towel rod where we pile our clothes... Although, you can't see the towel rod anymore... And clearly, you can see my undergarments... I warned you about the full disclosure ;)

The dresser at the end of our bed, another catchall with loads of random junk, including the street sign I "found" from our neighborhood when I was in high school...  Oh, and another blank frame...  Plus me, in the mirror, in my free freshman year of college tshirt, haha...

Junk on the bathroom sink I need to put away...

The bathroom sink... Not sure why I'm including this, lol

Boxes in the bathroom I keep meaning to cover with fabric... (Why are pretty storage boxes so expensive?)

The guest bedroom/office.  (Come visit if you're our way...)  Files on the bed from medical billing joys.

The messy desk where all the joys are had...  Plus my new Steelers cup I'm ridiculously giddy about!  (I was inspired by my SIL's WVU cup so I splurged and got myself a Steelers one.  Plus, it's polka dotted!)

Well, that ends the tour.  Hope you enjoyed the glimpse into our daily life/the mess we call home and my random rantings.  Sorry some of the pictures aren't the best quality.  I do what I can...

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