Monday, May 10, 2010

What's new with you? And other random rantings...

What's new with you? Usually the question you ask friends when catching up on life events or acquaintances politely ask in an effort to be social. I loathe this question, mostly because it seems like nothing is ever new and life just goes on...

But the ever dreaded question is the point to this blog. I wanted to create a place to share some of my thoughts and feelings (particularly since I'm not one to share all on facebook) and the goings on of my life in an effort to keep in better touch with the people I like. Because, as most of you know, I'm awful at keeping in touch... (plus you'll get to learn some random tidbits about me I'm sure you never knew)

So, feel free to keep in touch via the normal means: phone, email, visits, etc, but in addition, this is the fishbowl of my life...

Not much to report as of now. Loving my life in the new townhouse with my new doggy and new hubby. But that's basically all there is to love. Missing being in school (who would have thought I'd ever miss school) and lacking a purpose in life. Sorta need to find a job, but there are absolutely no desirable jobs in P-town. See, really nothing all that new...

And now, onto my biggest project of the day, to discover the answer to the age old question, What do I want to be doing with my life? Any suggestions are welcome ;)


  1. Ah, Mel ... I truly do miss your "musings". I hear ya about being awful at keeping in touch with people, I especially suck at it and thus it makes me feel awful. But hey, I just wanted to say being in school doesn't make one feel as though there is some overall goal or purpose in life. For example, take me. Going into my 4th year of grad school (and lets face it, I'll probably be here a few more), I've been running a gauntlet just so everyone knows exactly how much I suck. The kicker is I'm doing medicinal/organic chemistry, which I don't all that much enjoy to being with. So along with that sense of lacking purpose, there is that prospect of a bleak future and just an overwhelming sense of confusion and being lost. Not at all how I planned things to be really...

    But what do you want to be doing with your life? Kickin' up those heels and enjoying a glass of wine or two (or three... maybe four.. ah hell, who are we kidding, the whole bottle). Either that or opening a café/bookstore (you take the café, I'll handle the bookstore :) ) Miss ya!
    (I hope you find this at least somewhat amusing and hopefully I got you to smile)

  2. Hey Mel!

    I'm so glad you sent me this link!!!! I'm so horrible at keeping in touch, also... it's kind of sad how little I keep in touch with the people in college who meant so much to me, but I guess that's life.

    It is weird not being in school. I find myself getting jealous of my friend Jess who's still in school. But, I also like working - it definitely gives me the money to do the fun things in life.

    I'm going to send my mom the link to this; she ALWAYS asks me how you're doing, and I'm sure she'll love this!

    I'm glad you're well, and I look forward to the reading! :)

  3. Great to hear from you guys! I guess I can assume my blog idea is somewhat successful. I miss you guys and the Jesuit days!
