Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's the small joys in life...

I usually like to complain about my lack of direction in life, but alas, I may finally have some semblance of a plan. So, on to something more exciting.

Last post I mentioned my darling (and quite huge/monstrous) puppy. I've basically wanted a puppy all my life, but was never allowed to have one. From the time I met Jeremi, my one big all I ever wanted request was a puppy. After finally moving into a place last November where we could finally have a puppy, we got one! Albeit, the timing wasn't great; five days after bringing home the puppy, Jeremi was in the hospital for a week. But otherwise, the Caesar monster has been quite a joy.

Not being a dog owner for my whole life, there's lots of little "dogisms" that I love! These are the little things Jeremi doesn't seem to appreciate and finds hilarious that I am so amused by them. (Granted he has had a dog pretty much all his life.)


The "Dogisms" I love:
- letting the dog lick my morning yogurt cup and feeling his tongue slap against it as he tries to get every tiny bit possible (hence, the yogurt cup)
- the warm spots the dog leaves on the floor after napping/laying for sometime
- the snuggles when he's finally tired enough to lay still
- his happy tail wagging when he greets you in the morning
- the excitement of trying new foods
- his overall need to please
- the sound of him plopping on the floor, followed by a hugh sigh
- the playfulness as he chases a butterfly or bumblebee
- watching him lay with his paws out front

I suppose I could go on and on. Plus, I'm sure that I'm forgetting some of the really good ones. I love my Caesar monster! Big muffin is often amused watching me watch him. I guess I always was a dog lover and never had an opportunity to indulge.

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