Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's it all about anyway? And my usual other random rantings...

I always joke that I'm having my mid-life crisis in my mid-twenties.  (Hope this doesn't in any way reflect on my own longevity.)  But maybe it's not so much a joke as it is the truth.  After all, I did have my most devastating breakup in my twenties, that being the break up of what I thought was without a doubt going to be my one true calling, you knew it was coming... the doctor/medical school rant.

In all honesty, and a whole lot of healing time and hindsight, withdrawing from med school may have been the best thing that happened to me.  It forced me to really and truly wonder the all important questions of life...
-what is it all about?
-what is it I'm wanting out of my own life?

I would have previously told you it's all about making an impacting and maybe even making an attempt to save the world.  I haven't changed my mind on that one, maybe just my outlook.  I had previously thought I would travel the world doing something like Doctors without Borders in an effort to save the world.  I guess I'm becoming one of those peoples who is trying to save the world in their own environment.  For me, looking more realistically at how I can make a change within the world I live in.  I use to think this was a bit of a cop out, but I'm beginning to see what I would call the smile phenomenon.

The Smile Phenomenon - Changing/Impacting the world one smile at a time.  I use to think this was kinda a BS thought, but maybe a smile really does change one person's day,week, life, etc.  I've had this talk with the big muffin about the validity of the smile phenomenon; he seems to think that I think it's stupid mostly because smiling comes so easily to me, and apparently I tend to think that affecting someone's day should require a little more effort.   Hate to admit I think he's right...

Anyway, so what's my current answer to these very important questions?  I'm beginning to think it's all about positively affecting the world around you.  And I'm sure many of you will be shocked to find out, I'm still not sure exactly what I want out of life, but here's a few things...

-I think I want a family, not anytime in the near future, but definitely more than just the good ol' hubby and darling doggie.  For those of you who don't know this, this thought is a huge step, as I was beginning to wonder if I ever wanted kids or if I just wanted to be the cool auntie, godmother etc.
-I want/need some kind of a career.  I could never be a stay at home mom, or a work from home on occasion kind of gal.  I'm too driven and I get cabin fever entirely too easily.
-I want a balanced life with room for extracurriculars.  This one I learned from my small stint in medical school.  I love any activities I can do with the dog, such as camping, hiking and canoeing.  I love hanging out with the big muffin.  All these little things require one thing... time, and in a life where you study your head off and have to schedule in time for things like eating, TV and man time, well, that's no life at all...

I guess that's all I know for now.

On a lighter note, here's a few random keeping ya up-to-date tidbits...
What I'm reading: The MS Diet book (still), The Scent of Desire, looking for a guilty pleasure read too
What I've been listening to lately: Adele (iTunes Live from Soho CD)
Favorite New Song: Adele's version of Make You Feel my Love
What I'm baking next: Chocolate Souffles
Looking forward to: Physical Therapy shadowing with Debbie
Crazy thing I/We did this week:  Attempted to have 2 dogs.  It was nuts.  Ended up taking her back to the vet where we got her.  Darling dog (temporarily named Nala) is the vet's soon to be dog :)
What I thought most while typing this:  1. Thank God for SpellCheck!  2. I ramble much too easily 3. Does what I write even make sense to other people? lol  4. Would I want to Share this Blog with more people?  Maybe post it on Facebook?  I like to hear people's responses, but I have weird privacy issues...

Hope this post finds all you lovely readers well! :)

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