Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mysterious Ways

Don't you love those moments, where it seems like God cuts you a break, and just straight out gives you an answer.  It's a very rare thing, but I feel like I might have just experienced that, he truly does work in mysterious ways.

So, as you may have read, I've been pondering the meaning of life, and the ever important, what's it all about...

Went to Mass in Blacksburg on Sunday.  Loved the priest there.  Was reading their weekly bulletin and discovered he has a blog!  How cool to think of a priestly sitting and writing a blog post much like the rest of us.  So, I visit his blog and this is what's listed as his blog description...

"No angel appeared to me to call me to the priesthood, but it has been one of the most fulfilling adventures of my life. My dream is not to save the world. I am seeking only to live my life while serving God and His people in a way that will enable me say to Christ when I see Him one day: “I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)."

How perfect is that!  It makes so much sense and I felt like I could relate and finally had an acceptable answer to the age old question.  Love moments like these!

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