Friday, January 14, 2011

Stranger than Fiction might just be my new reality...

I love this movie!  When things got depressing in medical school, one of the first things I would do is pour a glass of wine and watch this movie.  I could always relate with Ana Pascal and the scene when she explains to Harold that she actually went to law school as opposed to culinary school (for me, simply replace law school with med school).  I would even sometimes watch just that one scene.  That speech, about saving the world with your degree, only getting in because of your great dreams of saving the world and making a difference, and ending up making more friends in school by cooking/baking for them, was my speech too.

I remember the highlight of my week was planning Friday night dinners, complete with dessert, that I would make nearly every week for the three boys I hung out with, plus whomever else ended up getting invited over.  I probably should have figured out by then that maybe medical school just wasn't for me, but alas, I'm insanely stubborn.

Jeremi and I have been talking more and more lately about how to get started with a bakery/coffeeshop of my own, perhaps starting by selling desserts and other sweet treats at already established places.  Seeems soooo crazy, but in a good way I guess...

Anyway, with this new thought in mind, I've resolved to baking more often.  (And hopefully exercising more often to combat this.)  So, I thought I'd share some pics of the mini orange scones I made last night.  Well, really there's several pics of the process.  I think one more trial run and I might have this one perfected.  Hope you like them.  Been meaning to do this for a while, pictures really are so much better.  Message me if you'd like the recipe for yourself.

Dry Ingredients with Butter
 Butter is cut in using a pastry blender.  The result is a mixture that is suppose to resemble course crumbs.

This step can also be done in a food processor which makes it more uniform and is much faster, but for whatever reason I like doing it by hand.  (Gives me something to take out my aggressions on I suppose, lol.)

Orange Zest

Adding egg and milk to course crumb and orange zest mixture

After adding the egg mixture and stirring, I rolled out the mixture and cut them into mini sized scones. 

Baking in my oven

The unglazed finished product

I used a double broiler system to make the glaze, which is just a mixture of powdered sugar, orange juice, and butter. (My secret to double broiling is to attach a binder clip to the bottom pan so it doesn't build up too much steam.)

Glaze in the bowl

Glazed Scones
After the glaze dried

Couldn't resist adding a picture of Caesar who was sitting behind me waiting for me to drop something... anything...

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