Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ever since then...

Haven't really posted much on my life in a while.  So, here's the update if you're interested...

Jeremi and I celebrated our one year anniversary three weeks ago.  After much debating on how to celebrate our anniversary, we decided to use the money we would normally spend getting a hotel and going out to eat and such to instead buy a canoe we had been wanting.   So, we went camping and canoeing for our first anniversary; surprisingly, it was the perfect thing to simply enjoy one another's company.  Jeremi said that camping and buying a canoe for your wedding anniversary is pretty redneck.  So, I guess I'm a redneck, after all I am from Princeton, lol.

I suppose this is our first "family" pic.  Too bad we look exhausted and clearly have been camping for a couple of days by this point.  Pic below:  Caesar found that under the canoe hauling truck was shadiest of places to lay in the heat.

We've been canoeing a few times since then.  I absolutely love it!  I especially love that we get to take the dog.  Jeremi rigged up some outriggers for the canoe (basically like training wheels for a canoe) so it isn't a pain to take the dog.  You wouldn't believe how much of an effect a 85 lb dog has on a canoe.  The first time we went Caesar ended up flipping the canoe.  So, the outriggers are much appreciated.

We even spent our first fourth of July canoeing (We missed fourth celebrations last year because we were in Greece still).  We also did the usual cooking out and watching fireworks with Jeremi's family.  All in all a great way to spend the holiday.

Finally, just came back from my birthday weekend festivities.  We went to Charlotte for a Michael Buble concert.  It was absolutely fabulous and probably one of the best concerts I've ever been to.  He has a great attitude, really and truly seems to appreciate his fans, and puts on a hell of a show.  So, if you're a fan and there is ever an opportunity to see him, you must do it! :)  

We also ate some great food and I got in some much needed shopping therapy.  This pic is of me at my birthday dinner.  I look exhausted from shopping, which all in all isn't a bad reason to be so tired looking... (It actually made me miss the days of shopping with Chel in Pittsburgh and Rhena in Philly!  I miss you guys!)

So, aside from that, I'm still trying to find a "fun" job in the Princeton area at least until I go back to school or move from this town.  I'd really like to work at a bakery or a flower shop, but I haven't really tried to put myself out there yet.  

Also, as usual, still trying to decide what I'm more passionate about, medicine or baking, two totally different things...   (Speaking of which, I've been meaning to post a section with pictures of foods I love to make.  Hopefully, I'll figure out how to do this soon as I've already collected some good pics.)

Anyhow, so that's my life according to me...


  1. That food looks great! Where did you go?

    <3 Angelica

  2. It was too! A place called M5 in Charlotte. Great place if you're ever in the area, or back in the country lol
